I got home around 8:30 PM after spending all day on my 24-hour take-home Electricity & Magnetism final exam, so the sequence didn't start until well after dark, unfortunately. It was likely going to cloud out later, although I figured I would try and get as many frames as I could before then -- it doesn't cost me anything, I get to just set it up and go to bed! If it clouds out, the scope will try for a while, and then go park itself.
I did manage to get a few Cone Nebula 10-minute exposures, and all of my California Nebula shots came out really great -- nice round stars. Clouds did indeed roll in before the Medusa Nebula ran though, so I yet again didn't get any on it. Sometime, I will!!
California Nebula, single 5-minute frame, ZWO ASI1600MM Pro, H-alpha filter, Takahashi FSQ-106N
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