While the Polarie was going, I also set up the Borg on the NexStar mount again, but with my D3100, which lately since my old tablet's USB port is starting to go, I've been having to trigger manually with my remote shutter. I aimed it toward M31, and there was some pretty awful periodic tracking error and what looks like the mount actually moving a giant amount for some reason, and M31 bounces all around, but I got 75 subframes on it, so it was all averaged out in the end. The image actually came out pretty all right!
Date: 18 August 2017
Location: Casper Mountain, WY
Object: M31 Andromeda Galaxy
Camera: Nikon D3100
Telescope: Borg 76ED
Mount: Celestron NexStar SE
Accessories: Hotech SCA field flattener
Subframes: 75x30s, ISO-1600
Darks: 22
Biases: 20
Flats: 0
Temperature: 50-60F
I was hitting the remote shutter button as we walked around gazing through other people's scopes, since my shutter runs on a 2.4 GHz wifi band and can reach a few hundred feet. We looked at the Veil Nebula, the Double Cluster, a cluster of double stars that I can't remember the name of, globular cluster M13, M27 Dumbbell Nebula, the Helix Nebula, and M31 Andromeda Galaxy. The Veil Nebula looked fantastic through a 100-something-mm refractor, and the Helix through a large Dob with an OIII filter I could actually finally see! I have not been able to see it before.
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